Marketing translations
The efficiency of a marketing company depends on the successful combination of all of its components. However it is text that plays a crucial role in this. Thanks to the text, the key marketing idea acquires its actual embodiment, or, in other words, it starts to work.
Presently there are many international companies in the russian market and each of them is involved in a certain type of promotional activity. Many of them face challenges in terms of translating and adapting marketing materials. The adequacy of the translated marketing text is not only about the precision of the translation - the description of objects and phenomena but also, to a great extent, about the precise conveyance of the emotional content.
When a translator works with marketing materials, his/her main task is to create a text that has the same impact on the target audience as the original.
Thus, while changing the verbal form, the text must retain its original meaning.
When working with marketing texts the translator must know the object in question perfectly, observe the aim of the text, the characteristics of the consumer the advertising is aimed at and understand what emotions the author wanted to evoke. It is necessary to understand the character of the original text and to reproduce it in translation in the closest way possible. If one translates advertising messages without considering these factors, the goal of the message - raising the awareness of consumers and increasing sales accordingly - will not be attained.
Translation of marketing materials applies to advertising slogans, video clips, presentations, flyers, brochures and other marketing materials.
An individual search for a translator who possesses the corresponding skills is not only time-consuming, but it also involves a great deal of risk since the level of professionalism of the selected translator is unknown. The translated text is adapted considering the peculiarities of the consumer country. The translator must take the national and social characteristics and the behavioural patterns of the target audience into account. If the audience that the text of the advertised product is provided for is diverse, the translator should use common language which is widely used in everyday life.
If the target audience is homogeneous, the translator should select words carefully in order to ensure stylistic correspondence between the subject, product and audience. In the same cases, when an advertising campaign is focused on a narrow homogeneous audience that has its own social or professional jargon, the use of slang words and professionalism is not forbidden but actively encouraged. Another way of improving the quality of an advertising text is proof-reading by a specialist in marketing, which will help make the text more expressive, emotional and leave a greater impact on the particular target audience.
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